Online Training


Team Workshop


Team BBQ
Training Programs
Soclean’s Comprehensive Employee Training and Rewards Program for Enhanced Performance and Customer Satisfaction
BBQ Recognition and training day!
Our quarterly training schedule and recognition program is a day that every employee looks forward to this system bonds the team together over a breakfast BBQ. Awards are given out and a full training session is held this covers all listed modules in our training matrix.
The purpose of soclean employee recognition program is to recognize award work and behavior that support further mission goals values and initiative of soclean and our clients in award and nominating staff.
Monthly award is sent out to outstanding team and team member that has been nominated this include but not limited to…
- Find out the persons hobby and buy an appropriate gift.
- Make a thank you card by hand.
- Establish a place to display memos, posters, photos and so on.
- Recognising progress towards goal and thanking individuals employee for their help.
- Serve a team a hero party sandwich at the end of an assignment for a job well done.
SOCLEAN’s Employee Training, Rewards Program & Development Matrix
Our training and development is a broad term covering multiple kinds of employee learning.
This training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge, tasks and skills to improve performance and service delivery in their roles. Our training and development programs helps us retain the right people and achieve customer satisfaction. we believe employee training and development programs are now more important than ever.