Contributing 550 native trees and shrubs in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor.

Improved Cook Stove Project

Soclean has permanently surrendered 115 tonnes of CO -e emissions by investing in carbon offsets.

Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project

Soclean is protecting 400 native trees and shrubs
in the ConservAction Program.

Soclean Pty Ltd takes great pride in being a carbon neutral organisation, driven by a steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability.

In addition to implementing our own rigorous carbon footprint management system, we have partnered with Carbon Neutral to further our impact on conservation efforts. Through this collaboration, we have contributed to the planting of 550 native trees and shrubs in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor, fostering ecological restoration and enhancing biodiversity Moreover, our dedication to conservation extends beyond tree planting initiatives. Soclean Pty Ltd actively participates in the Conserve Action program, where we are steadfastly protecting 400 native trees and shrubs, playing an integral role in safeguarding the natural environment.Through investing in carbon offsets, Soclean Pty Ltd has permanently surrendered 115 tonnes of CO2e emissions, making a significant contribution to offsetting our operational footprint. We believe that supporting such initiatives not only allows us to maintain carbon neutrality but also helps combat climate change and fosters a healthier and more sustainable
planet. Our commitment to being a carbon-neutral member and our active involvement in conservation programs underscore our mission to be a responsible corporate citizen. We strive to set an example for the industry, demonstrating that businesses can thrive while prioritizing sustainability, ecological preservation, and environmental well-being. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to exploring innovative ways to further our positive
impact on the environment and inspire others to join us on this transformative journey towards a greener future.
